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Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas Eve and Other Stories December 2022 Album of the Month

Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas Eve and Other Stories Album Cover
Artwork by Greg Hildebrandt
The first album of a Christmas rock opera trilogy, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, brings the Christmas spirit to heavy metal music.

Released on October 15, 1996 "Christmas Eve and other Stories" has become one of the U.S. best selling Christmas albums going 3x's platinum. 

Trans-Siberian Orchestra is a U.S. based band formed by producer Paul O'Neill, keyboardist Robert Kinkel,vocalist and keyboardist Jon Oliva, and guitarist Al Pitrelli, of which the latter two were members of Savatage. 

The plot of the story is God sends an angel down to earth to find and bring him an example of kindness done in the spirit of Christmas. You can find the complete story on the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's website, Christmas Eve and Other Stories Story.

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