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Dave Grohl's "Probot" November 2022 Album of the Month

Probot Album Cover
Released on February 10, 2004, Probot was a side project by Dave Grohl. He describes the project as "Death Metal Supernatural." Basically, the album contains instrumentals he recorded and had metal singers he admired come and sing on the record. 

Singers on the recording are: Cronos, Max Cavalera, Lemmy, Mike Dean, Kurt Brecht, Lee Dorrian, Wino, Tom G. Warrior, Snake, Eric Wagner, King Diamond, and Jack Black.

Dave Grohl played all instruments and had some guest guitarist on a few songs: Kim Thayil, Bubba Dupree, and Matt Sweeney. In addition, Lemmy plays bass on and wrote the lyrics to "Shake Your Blood."

Some of these songs might have appeared on Ozzy Osbourne's then upcoming album "Down to Earth." Grohl was approached to write on the album but never received a response from Ozzy's label. Thus, he reused them for Probot. 

Let us know what you think of Probot in the comments section below. Also, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest action. 

*Please note, If you are getting 30 second clips into the embedded player sign into Spotify to listen fully.


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